The FLOW Monitor
The FLOW Monitor is distributed bi-annually and showcases the work FLOW, our members and our allies are doing in the freshwater community. To get the Monitor directly to your inbox, click here.
Jasper: Learning From the Burning
Bob sandford outlines and explais the hard lessons to learn from the devastating Jasper wildfires.
Invest in water to protect the summer we love
Fresh water has always been key to making summer memories with friends and family, but it is also how most people will feel the impacts of climate change.
Addressing Contaminants of Emerging Concern in Canada: A Multifaceted Approach is Needed
While the government has shown commitment to improving water quality by investing $1.8 billion to improve on-reserve water infrastructure, leading to a 45% reduction in long-term drinking water advisories, this effort has not addressed the removal of emerging water contaminants from drinking water and wastewater. Following the US EPA legally enforceable standards for PFAS in drinking water, there is a need for a more ambitious effort from the Canadian government to update our drinking water guidelines to include emerging contaminants even beyond PFAS and to consider legally enforceable standards across provinces and territories.
Living Lakes Canada Report Sheds Light on Importance of Lake Foreshore Conservation
Living Lakes Canada undertook a four-year lake study from 2019-2023 to understand how lake foreshores in the B.C. Columbia Basin region are changing due to urbanization and development.
The Water Gets Hotter and the Frog Just Sits There
We need national co-ordination, new investment and novel technologies applied to the prediction of floods, water quality and droughts, and identification of risk to properties and infrastructure, write John Pomeroy, Bob Sandford and Thomas Axworthy.
Wildfire and a Whole-of-Society Approach
Excerpt from POLIS Wildfire Resilience Project – Lightning Explainer Series
Canada At Risk of Both Freshwater and Brain Drain as Thirst for Tech Grows
An American threat assessment identified global water security and climate-related disasters like drought as an increasing risk to its national security interests, and Canada needs to catch up, says AquaAction's Soula Chronopoulos.
B.C. Needs Local Watershed Boards to Avoid Water Wars
Imagine: Water for new housing pitted against water to grow food. Water for salmon versus water for livestock. But conflict over water access is not inevitable in B.C.
Panel Recommends Overhaul of Canada’s Disaster Aid System to Confront Era of Climate change
FLOW Member Ralph Pentland interviewed for the Globe and Mail on the latest report by a federal advisory panel on the Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements (DFAA)
Introduction to the International Lake Champlain-Richelieu River Study
It all begins with an idea.